Monday, June 23, 2014

‘Passion’ by: Krissy

I couldn’t think of a better title for this so here you go. Let’s start with the word passion.

What do you really mean when you say passion? Is it really that strong uncontrollable emotion or some “yeah, I want it. I get it.” Kind of thing?

Right, I’ll tell you my experience about passion.

So here I am in Bohol, volunteering for a 3-month program, focusing on the contribution of young people to the sustainable resource management of a watershed and I say, “making a difference, as young as I am.”

Sounds like angels singing, yeah?

Yup, You felt that right.

May 2013, somebody handed me a flier of a volunteering program and my heart leaped. I was happy, afraid and what?.... excited! I just couldn’t think of a better adjective to best describe it then. I love volunteering! It’s something I really wanna do.

And so guess wha? May 2014 , I was told that I qualified for the program. So here I am in this amazing town of Bohol, living life to the fullest. Meeting new amazing people. Standing on a curb-waiting for buses (mostly a daily situation). It’s fun! Sometimes it makes me grouchy a little, but that's just it. Life is not just all bright days or beautiful sunsets. Right?

Bohol is stunning. And I tell you, you will fall in love with it, every day.

Sometimes it makes me wonder about those people who stay in their nutshells and refuse to live life out of their comfort zones.

I mean, Really, Life is amazing. Enjoy it!

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