Monday, June 23, 2014

‘Forest Formers’ Community Action Day (CAD) - Thurs 12th June

Our first CAD was held at the DENR mega-nursery in San Pascual, Ubay. Over 100 young people from 4 youth organisations attended the event which was held outdoors and set against a beautiful backdrop of rolling hills lined by neat rows of saplings. The day began with an introduction from the VSO volunteers and Lilibeth of the Carood Watershed Model Forest Management Council. 

After the importance of forest management to a watershed was made clear it was time for a walk and a talk with a DENR forester to see the nursery’s different plantations. Half an hour later the now sweaty group returned, their attention rewarded by volunteers distributing snacks. The morning progressed with an exciting firefighting talk and display given by the Ubay fire service. Volunteers and the youth got stuck in as they took it in turns to extinguish a burning pyre of dry leaves. Everyone was impressed by the ferocity with which a forest fire can spread and the take home message was well received.

Before lunch the main activity was kindly prepared by the DENR staff. The youth were given an engaging demonstration of tree planting and how a tree nursery works before getting their hands dirty preparing seedlings in small cellophane bags. Everyone gathered excitedly around a large mound of soil each tasked with preparing 10 seedlings. They say many hands make light work and surely enough an hour later thousands of seedlings were ready for planting.

Lunchtime beckoned and, in true Filipino style, was followed by a talent contest. The different youth groups showcased their finest including an all boy dance trio, a medley artist and hosts of excellent singers. The Filipino volunteers were represented by Eden ‘voice of an angel’ Monsanto but the UKVs had nothing to show for themselves. Rumour has it they are forming a dance troupe but we will have to wait and see…

As the hilly vista of the mega nursery became silhouetted by fast approaching thunderclouds it was time to wrap things up. There was time for a large group photo before the heavens opened and the youth clambered to get on the backs of trucks headed for home. All in all it was a great day and as they left, many of the youth were already asking when we were holding the next one!

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