Thursday, June 5, 2014

Discourse Sparked on Team VI 100's First Global Citizenship Day

1st GCD Team started the session
 with an interesting energizer.
Kopiko 3 in 1 coffee mix. Quaker oats. Milk in a tetra pack. Battery. The audience has to guess what (COUNTRY) these items were originally produced or manufactured, and whoever gets it correct can keep the item. "Iraq!" "Philippines" "Azerbaijan"  "USA!" "United Kingdom!"... Everybody in the audience answered in chorus. This is easy. Just enumerate all the countries you know and you might get the correct answer.

Who would have thought that almost half of the items presented are originally produced in Indonesia? This is not a usual guessing game or energiser. It is a reflection of how globalisation and interdependence is pervasive  and embedded in our day to day life. The world has become a big market for all emerging products and commodities and yes, you are a part of it!

1st GCD tackled the issue on Globalisation and Interdependence.
The 1st Global Citizenship Day of the Team VI 100 last June 3, 2014, 1:00pm to 3:00pm,  tackled about "Globalisation and Interdependence". It was held in Guindulman Municipal Hall, Training Room. The presenters were, Sha, Jen, Denmark, Susie, Amy, and Sofia.

Sharmaine Lizada, a Filipino Volunteer and a Social Science Area Studies Major, started by presenting the definition of 'globalisation' by going through bulleted phrases and words. It is a process. Scholars and academicians have different definitions of this word. Basically, it means the world is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. And the nations are getting closer and closer and closer to each other. Is it a bad thing or a good thing? One thing is for sure, it's inevitable at this age of capitalism and modernism.

GCD Facilitators asked, "Is it possible to develop globally while preserving the culture and tradition of each nation?" Mind-boggling questions like this had definitely kept the audience thinking and ranting in their minds. Trade partnership and alliance between and among nations are the manifestations of Globalisation.
For some people, this gives them excitement and thrill for it could mean endless opportunities, progress and good economic implications. But for some, it is disturbing and alarming to think because of how globalisation could badly affect a nation's identity and origin. And yeah, it could be a bad thing.

An action case study was given to the audience. Three Countries. Where should the supply of water go in these three countries?--The First Country is suffering from drought and no source of water at all. The Second Country has the abundant supply of water. And lastly, the Third country has knowledge on how to use the supply of water effectively.

As this case study was given, the audience on their seats divided into three groups immediately. The first group (Saba, Mitch, Eden, Ana, Kaynat, Felvs, Krissy) answered all countries got the water. "It's a win win, because the Galleon Trade will be used." The second group (Alex, Kathleen, Azra, Harrhy, Josh) answerd the second country. The third group (Faith, Saba, Jude) answered the Third Country! Conflicting views and opinions is evident by the answers of the groups. Discussion had sparked.
Here are some pictures during the group discussion on the Action Case Study given by the 1st GCD Team:

There is no definite answer to the case study. What is important is that there was a discourse and exchange of views and ideas. GCD is meant to be this way. Well done, 1st GCD presenters!
'The 1st GCD TEAM' From the right: Susie, Sha, Sofia, Den, Amy. Jen was also part of the team but she was busy with the MPR meeting and preparation when this photo was taken. :D

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